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"My name is Sarah, nice to meet you." she shakes your hand. You tell her your name is There isn't a temp variable named _xXxXx_nutmaster2000_xXxXx_ in this place.

Maybe you forgot to escape variable names? idk, I'm not emailing you since my email has my name and my personal email server still doesn't have dkim set up properly

Oh huh I'll work on fixing it.

And uh. I mean this email is a second email for nsfw stuff. it's pretty easy to set that up. but you do you.

I'm too lazy to set up another email with google, instead I'll install (and configure) postfix and opendkim! (This is a joke about how that is not easier at all)

ok then! well have fun (you can also messege me on discord if you care)

Huh. ok. so .. this is an engine problem. Turns out names like that break it. I don't think I can fix it

it said it was searching for a variable with that  name, I'm not super familiar with twines, but couldn't you store in as the value of a variable instead?

Yes that is what I'm doing. So uh... yeah

basically when you type a name it stores it in a variable, but something about how it stores it doesn't like it. I think it's the underscore that breaks things

yeah so I asked the discord, and it doesn't like _ in names. I could fix it but it would take a lot. Uh. don't have _ to start the name. you can have anything else.

(temp varribles are called with _ to start in twine so... it forgets the name if you enter it like that)